What's that, you say? The opening 90 seconds of this episode is a Kurt Hummel voiceover discussing the outrageously-inflated ego and impending takedown of Rachel Berry? I'M IN. ( Read more... )
Hey, remember that time Blaine Warbler confessed that he went to a Sadie Hawkins dance and got the shit kicked out of him to the point that he transferred to another school? Let’s see if we can recreate that and give him a full panic attack
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I’m going to tell you a little story, and that story is entitled “Glee and Christmas Episodes: A Mixed Bag.” I mean, look. Holiday episodes in general tend to be somewhat outside the overall narrative of the season. Sometimes that can be a lot of fun, because you have an excuse to be a little more creative, and license to be a little cheesier than
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Swan Song! So much fun in one episode: Blaine in a Cheerios uniform, Kurt and Rachel singing the hell out of some songs in the Round Room, and even a spoken cameo from Brad the piano man. Yipee! ( Read more... )
Thanksgiving! The episode that aired exactly one week AFTER the titular holiday! Stupid baseball and presidential debates. But suspend your disbelief. It’s Glee, after all. And it can’t be all bad - the old guard is all back for at least a few minutes
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Here’s the thing - much as I might criticize plot holes so big you can drive a truck through them, I don’t actually look to Glee for documentary realism. I love the times when Glee can purposefully and obviously laugh at itself and get a little absurd. Especially when it manages to do that at the same time as it does some character development and
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"Glease." Stupid episode name, or the stupidest EVER? Ugh, I can’t see it or type it without groaning. But there are some redeeming things that happen, so let’s get to it. ( Read more... )
Sometimes I get the feeling that the powers-that-be at Glee put huge amounts of effort into big episodes like “The Break Up,” and then the episode that follows is scattershot at best, or completely horrific at worst (I’m looking at YOU, “Night of Neglect”), because they’re all too exhausted to do anything else. “The Role You Were Born to Play” is
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I hardly feel like there are words to introduce “The Break Up.” One of the most brutal and heartbreaking episodes Glee has done to date, I felt almost sick while watching it the first time it aired. And yet, I immediately downloaded it from iTunes and watched it over and over again. It shredded my heart to pieces every time, but I couldn’t stop
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